Key Differentiators of Panda Bear Consulting
Panda Bear Consulting consultants stemmed from consulting industry and are empowered to provide enterprise managers in private and public sectors with comprehensive sector-based analysis tools to enlighten them on their strategic outlook.
Quality of our consultants:
A company’s reputation based on quality cannot afford employing juniors and inexperienced, non business oriented experts!
More than 15 years of experience:
long term experience of the founders of Panda Bear Consulting, former Deloitte partners and directors, is a main guarantee of quality!

Our experts have been involved in different strategy alignment missions in Europe and Africa and have quantitative analytical skills.
Our expertise covers various areas including IT strategy, just-in-time/just-enough enterprise architecture, project portfolio management and transformation governance.
Sample of our Services
Panda Bear Consulting offers a pragmatic IT strategy assessment to assist our customers in developing an accurate and actionable plan to achieve business success. Our independent approach includes quantitative and qualitative
performance indicators to track, monitor and assess IT processes within the whole departments.
Our mission is usually articulated around the following axes:
Strategy Analysis:
Quantitative strategy analysis is based on examination of objective and quantifiable data gathered from different sources.
It supports the analysis by using objective, numerical-based measures that correspond to your performance in a variety of IT areas.
Our analysis also includes qualitative strategy focuses less on pure figures and more on the subtleties of what can be found in that information.
IT Strategy Assessment Report:
Our report will provide insight on your business’ strengthens and weaknesses. The report is based on concrete elements that allow appropriate decisions to reduce your risks, improve return on investments and provide accurate technology within the company.
This report also includes transformation scenarii aligning appropriate technologies with people and processes that comprise the organization.